Our Little Piggie

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Today we woke up and thought, "How can we make ourselves feel like outsiders, lost, and totally awkward?" Hmmm...how about we go to a Sangerfest in Schanzenfeld! Yep you read right! Ike's co-worker Galina invited us to her german church today for an all day song festival complete with delicious lunch. You wouldn't think that in a sea of white people at a church you could feel so uncomfortable...after all I did put a dress on (it may have been a notch too colourful). Despite how uncomfortable we were they did treat us really well; playing musical pews to allow a seat for us, giving us headphones so we could listen to a paraphrasing translator, letting me know about an enclosed corner for nursing in the quiet room(which I didn't use cause I already was in the quiet room why do I need to hide? I cover up...lol), and picking us out in a crowd of about 1000 people and ushering us to the front of the lunch line up(while 2000 eyes watched)!
Even though we felt so very awkward I have to say that it was pretty good...it felt like a typical Mennonite church with an amazing choir, great food, and my personal favorite boys in slacks with mini frilly aprons acting as busboys during the lunch(if I hadn't felt a million eyes on me I would've snapped a picture!! Guess you'll just have to use your wild imaginations!)

Apparently my husband is bolder than I am! Enjoy!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Weeks Worth of Highlights!

Last weekend we ventured out to St. Pierre where we enjoyed a fairly nice day(weather wise) at the Sugar Festival. I always enjoy having fresh made taffy on snow! This year they had a whole lot more stuff to do too! They had men and women dressed up in costumes...the men even had black powder rifles which they demonstrated to my mother's surprise! We also enjoyed an old school clothes washing demonstration by a very sweet little girl while waiting for fresh made straight out of the oven 'Pets de Soeur' (pastry cinnamon rolls). We also partook in a good old fashioned horse drawn wagon ride around town! Always a good time at the Sugar Shack!
Yesterday we had what was supposed to be Sonya's 2 month check up...her Dr. Is so busy it ended up being a 3 1/2 month check up! We weren't too concerned though cause she's been doing so well health & development wise! Our "little" peanut now weighs 16lbs 4oz...wow almost 7lbs gained since birth! No wonder her car seat is sooo heavy!
I've been doing pretty good too, besides exhaustion and plugged breast ducts (so so painful!). Even my incision has almost completely disappeared. The three month mark is definitely more fun and easier for outings! I love her smiles and giggles and her effort at talking and copying our crazy sounds!

This week we watched a really cheesy 80s parenting video! The video was mostly about brain development and playtime. The biggest thing that I learned was to allow my child to learn through play without my direction. It's far too easy to want to help or to show them how to: get the puzzle right or appropriately play with a certain toy. By doing this we could be cutting short development in other areas of the brain.
'We often learn more by making mistakes than getting it right!'

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I have a wonderful seasoned mom-visitor who comes once a week to talk about child development and improving core family relationships. We also do crafts from time to time (something I prefer over those hard hitting questions)!
Today with Families First we talked about positive parenting; praising vs nagging. Hmm...I'm pretty sure I've done my share of nagging! Somehow, as a perfectionist, it has become easier to let people know what they've been doing wrong rather than praising what they've already done right. This is definitely something I need to work on as nobody loves and wants to spend time with a negative Nelly! Aaand I now realize how destructive and unproductive to a little persons ego, growth, and development it can be!
We also talked about family values and I received some homework for Ike and I to do this week (never was a fan of homework!). A while back Ike and I made a collage of some of OUR more important values that we want to instill in our children. Today I had to choose two that I thought we need to improve upon and we must answer a barrage of deep thinking questions and come up with a plan. The two that I chose were 'Having Fun Family Time' and 'Relationship With God'. I chose these two because I know that sometimes we get caught up in TV, me time, chores, etc... and we forget to stop and make memories as a family. For the same reasons mentioned earlier I have also been finding it difficult to make time to build on my relationship with God. It really shouldn't be this hard to make time for Him which is why it is something I want to work on so as to be a solid example for my children.

A book I read recently (thank you American Mom) talked about being 'the new normal'. It's a tough adjustment to make, going from doing what I want to doing what my children want and need! The author talked about how so many parents need to find themselves again after they've had children when really this is who they are now...THIS is the new normal...THIS is the new me! There is no need for a search-party!