Our Little Piggie

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


My tomatoes are MASSIVE! LOL....I've picked many and there are still a ton on the plants waiting for ripening. My hot pepper plants are also doing marvelous...we like to roast the Anaheim peppers (large meaty medium heat) and put them on our burgers. I think that my onions got in a bit late as they are still quite small but I needed some of them for my salsa which worked just fine! Green peppers (Jacks' favorite ;) are also a bit slow but showing great potential...also used a few of the smaller ones for my salsa.

INFATUATION: Canning...Once a year or once every other year I get the urge to can everything! This last weekend I made delicious salsa using fresh ingredients from my very own garden....Seeing as I had soooo many tomatoes I also decided to make spaghetti sauce.

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing!!! I can't believe you made all that sauce and salsa from your garden! It looks so good and I'm jealous that you know how to can. One day... :)
