Our Little Piggie

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Glass Fusion

I did something super crafty and super dangerous and took a glass class!  I learned how to cut and break glass...yikes that was scary at first...but the multitudes of swirly colourful options of glass and the ability to make whatever my heart so desired (as long as I could afford it) erased that fear and I was snapping glass like a pro within hours!  Here's what my heart came up with in a matter of hours... 
 Swizzle Sticks
 Leaf Shaped Dish
 soon to be Necklace Pendants (I have yet to attach the hook part)
 I had leftover glass and just threw it into a star shape to either be a Necklace Pendant or a Decor Item
The Picture Frame was my very first project...not bad, eh!
And the piece de resistance....
My Flower Dish
It turned out amazingly...I am patting myself on the back as we speak! 
Loves it!!!!

I am definitely going back for more...of course I will show off my new pieces as they happen!  Stay tuned.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Feeling Crafty

I've been feeling crafty lately and have four projects on the go....Here's one that I am half done...It's my happy sunshine quilt!  I have only to apply the batting and backing material...Thank you Walmart for the amazing fabric jelly rolls (pretty much the only quilting material store here!).