Our Little Piggie

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What?! Winter AGAIN?

Aaaaack....Just the other day we had brown grass and massive spring puddles.... +10Celsius, blue skies, and sunshine...I have been wearing my beautiful new spring jacket and yes green scarf(which I had waaay before she did) for two weeks now...and today....
Don't be fooled by the warmish temperature that the thermometer says....It is crazy windy and hasn't stopped snowing at all today! I begrudgingly donned my winter parka today...which was a good thing considering that it took me 30 minutes to scrape the thick layer of ice off of the van so I could drive to work this morning! Oh and my pictures aren't blurry...that's the snow swirling and blowing and falling to the ground...not impressed.

1 comment:

  1. I saw that you guys had a cold snap. We're supposed to get some snow (what they call snow here) on Friday and Saturday. I'm sure it won't look anything like what you guys get but it still sucks!!!
