Our Little Piggie

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


When I start a new project that interests me, I dive in head first! I fully immerse myself in it...Thinking about how to perfect it or where to look next. At work I am constantly thinking about the how's, and the what's, and where I am going to go next. After work I delve into the project, usually my crafts or the computer, and I don't stop until I hear complaints about hunger! At night I dream about the areas of my project that bother me...you know the parts you just can't quite figure out what to do with next. I have in fact become obsessed with this ancestry research...last night I dreamed about a man coming home after being away for so long...The day before I had paid a small fee to do some research on a UK archive website and found a census from 1901...of course some things piqued my curiosity...like the fact that Great great great grandpa Copus was missing as Head of household on the sheet....and the fact that they were raising a granddaughter but her last name did not match any of those in the household....Probably explains the weird dreams. I just can't let it go! Sigh...Eventually I will, and then a new obsession will enter my life...but for now...The past really does haunt me.

Oh and correction on the last post....Grandma informs me that the name was Margorie and not Mayone, that was a transcription error on the website, and that would be Grandma Duchak's older sister.

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