Our Little Piggie

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Baby Bunny

Ohhhh....I got to hold the sweetest baby girl ever today! We order coffee for the restaurant from a lovely lady named Cindy (we call her coffee cindy) who had a surprise fourth pregnancy last year...she finally gave birth in February, I think. I've been begging for them to bring her by so we could meet their little bunny (nickname for baby while she was pregnant). So today they came by for lunch and coffee Cindy informed me that she was all mine for half an hour! Calli was sooo sweet, sooo tiny, and oh so snuggly in her little pink ensemble...made me want to cry...lol....

P.S. I still haven't gotten my period yet...sigh...just because I'm waiting for it, it's going to be late! I'm getting very irritable... :(

1 comment:

  1. At first I thought that you were getting another pet to add to your menagerie. :) Tiny babies are kind of nice to hold when they're sleeping. I wouldn't go so far as to say cute since they are still usually scrunched up. Ha! But you know me and babies. Isn't that always the way - when you want your period it's late just drive you nuts!
