Our Little Piggie

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cycle update

Ok Peoples! I finally got my period last week and so it's baby making time! Well actually not this instant but you know..... I'll start my ovulation tests on Sunday and then when I get a smiley face to tell me that the oven is ready I'll let you know! My friends keep telling me that I shouldn't be so anxious and to stop thinking about it and it will happen....but it's really hard to not think about it when you have to track all these things and pee on sticks and the whole getting pregnant part...not as much fun as sex; having your legs wide open for a nurse with a syringe and that spreader thingy....lol....

1 comment:

  1. Yah! It's Sunday!! Start peeing on your sticks!!! Commence baby making!!!
